Is It the WNBA (Women National Basketball Association) or the LNBA (Lesbian National Basketball Association)?If it is the LNBA I am official done with the WNBA. First off I am a black male. (Black Male) Lesbians don't like men. Why would I support LNBA. That's like asking me to go to a Lesbian Bar. Why would I do that? Everyone is so open with the gay lifestyle. I knew this new gay guy the president of the United State have the gay so proud of them self. But just remember he only won by 3 million votes. That tells me that the country is split right down the middle.
The more the WNBA becomes the LNBA the more and more the fans will leave. I really enjoy the WNBA. Candice Parker baseline spin move shooting with her left hand. Maya Moore stopping on a dime and pulling up for 3 pointer on a fast break. Tamika catchings playing hard for 40 min., giving you everything she have.But that's not what's talked about. It's all about the LNBA. Who is gay, who is coming out. The first open gay women in the league. Girl friend shooting at the other girl friend. Being who your are. Not being ashamed of being gay. I am sick to my stomach. I may as well purchase the gay channel with my cable subscription.
If it's so important for the women to be all they can be and let the world know. Power to them. But I don't care to he hear about and talk about when I am watching basketball. There is enough channel to talk about world issue.
If the WNBA thinks the is the way to go and support LNBA. Good Luck. I will find me something to do doing the summer. Zoo, fly a kite are bird watching. Good with the season. But I am official done!